FRANKIE RUSSELL 21, 5'10", 175 lbs of Miami Florida. An accomplished swimmer and champion diver, he has been a professional aquo star since he was 16, performing with the Buster Crobbe Water Show, and traveling throughout the world. He does summer stock plays around Miami and hopes to follow a career in the theater. While he does not actively bodybuild, he is quite health conscious, and we believe he has a physique superior to many of the men now taking titles.

Bob Del Monteque took this photograph and he also took a number of other shots of Frenkie which are oppearing in many other physique books. Collectors may obtain original prints for their own personal collection by writing Bob Del Monteque, FR Dept, bax 6081 Surf Side Station, Miami Beach Florido. He offers four catalogs of Frankie at $1. each.

MARTIN MOSS 22, 5'10 180 of Italian descent, now living in Denver Colorado. Played high school football (halfback) basketball and baseball. Photo is by

Bruce of Los Angeles Box 75305 Sanford Station, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Background is courtesy Western Photography Guild who use this same locale for most of their "Men to Match the Mountain"series.

Bruce of L.A. offers the extraordinary 52 page 5x7 publication "The Male Figure," containing a beautiful varied selection of his fine work, 3 different issues for $2. Page 5

So many readers have asked



sto print more of the letters we receive that we are taking the space usually devoted to a photo to bring you more of these letters. Now, like most other publications the great bulk of our mail is complimentary, and we really enjoy a pat on the back now and then. While truly critical letters are in the minority we are glad study them and to print them when they are well thought out. All mail is appreciated. Even the person who likes to unburden his frustrations in an anonymus letter which would project his own motives to us may write being assurred that instead of being thrown away, it will be given to a psychology research group for study. Conventional letters are categorized and filed for study by the various members of our staff. When letters are printed, names are not given. Initials will be changed if you so request.

PP EDITOR A CRANK... I think whoever writes the silly editorials in your magazine is a crank and distorts the truth to serve his own ends. I read the real version of the Leonard Chambers killing (mentioned in your Smr 56 issue) on page 62 of the Oct 56 issue of True Detective Magazine and I know their story is true because they got the true facts from the police files and police dont liel EM Providence Rhode Island.

EDITORIALS APPRECIATED... ...While some readers may object to your editorials as having no place in a physique magazine, I think they are very much to the point, and if it werent for people like yourselves who are willing to fight the reactionaries, there might not be any physique books. KL St Louis, MO.

Muscle/Detective MAGAZINES: ...I see in the latest issues of Vim, and Iron Man, some post office type posters of a young weight lifter being sought by the FBI. Maybe the law forbids the harboring of a fugitive from justice, but it doesnt require us to become finks or informers. I am ashamed that these otherwise fine magazines would stoop to such disgusting lengths to make themselves popular with the government agents.. KL St Louis MO.

Page 4

HOMOSEXUALITY AND BODYBUILDING....Read your article. in Fall 56 PP--are you guys naive. 1 know for a fact that all bodybuilders are either active or at least repressed homosexuals or else they wouldnt be so interested in their own bodies. A real man is too busy chasing girls to bother building himself up. Girls want a guy with money and brains who is interested in them, not muscles. J.G. Houston Texas.

.....I've been bodybuilding five years and I dont believe any fellow with an active he-man body could be homo. RT Reno Nevada. .....As the mother of 4 boys ages of 18 to 24 who have all been bodybuilders, I have seen a number of issues of your magazine, and read with interest the homosexual article on pg 17 of your Fall issue. My 3 eldest sons are married and one has two children. When the youngest confided in me several years ago that he believed himself to be homosexual, we opproached our family doctor. He recommended a psychiatrist who conducted a number of tests and told us it would be impossible to change the boy's nature, but that he would help him to avoid conflict with society. At first I was heartbroken but am now reconciled. John lives with another young man who shares his interests, both are highly successful in films, are "accepted" everywhere, and I am now as proud of

Dick as any of my other children. Thanks for your own sympathetic attitude. Mrs R.T. Hollywood, Cal. .....I was disgusted by your article. These people must be condemned not tolerated. Like Leo Stearn says, the American nation will collapse just like the Romans did if the population lives in sin. You are wrong to teach tolerance of anything which is abhorrent in the sight of God. DM Cleve.O. CENSORSHIP ORGANIZATION. In your Fall 56 issue you mistakenly state that the "Legion of Decency" condemned "Storm Center", but the fact is the film was only listed as objectionable. But the Legion and the American head of the church itself has condemned the film "Baby Doll" and those Catholics who attend it will be under pain of sin. The church is in the right to guide its members along the paths of righteousness. BJ New York City, NY.

MIDDLE-ROAD POLICY APPRVD. .....While you seem preoccupied with a fear of censors and critics of your work, on the matter of physical culture you seem to be expecially broad. You tell the truth of how the fellows come by their physiques without exaggerating the importance of barbells, proteins etc. DD Kansas City, K. SMOKING EDITORIAL DISAPPROVED....Why do you attack smoking--more people smoke than dont smoke so that proves it must be right, and also the Bible does

not condemn it. Whenever most of the people do a certain thing, that alone makes it the right thing to do! Why do you want to try to make everyone over to suit your standards. GE Chicago III. QUAINTANCE PREFERRED.... Delighted with your Fall 56 cover. Some great new artists in the physique field but none measure up to Quaintance, please try to include him in every issue. He is the most wonderful thing that has ever hoppened to physical culture. R.O. Denver, Colorado.

ART-BOB HAS GOT IT! Without question Art Bob puts more virility and masculinity into his drawings than any other artist in the field. Dont ever stop printing him! T.S. London, England

PP TOO CONGESTED.... You have enough photos and text in any one issue to fill a book several times the size. If publication costs prevent you from making the book bigger, why dont you pare down and eliminate, leave out the unnecessary gab and have the pictures artistically laid out with white space bordering them to avoid the congested appearance your book now has. AN Seattle, Wash. PRINT MORE PHOTOS IN TRUNKS .....I wish you would print more photos in trunks--not that I object to a posing strap for moral reasons, its just that trunks and levis seem more natural--like the guy next door. C.K. Cincinnati, Ohio.